Well, it's up to 92K words on the novel but I've still not got the end. It's elusive, I know but I don't know, a definite feel of "stalking" ... very appropriate *g*.
This story, "The Moon's Song" has taken me all sorts of places I hadn't thought of going with it, some deep stuff, but it's also a romance as well as a mystery and I'm extremely fond of the characters. One of the lead males, Tristan, had become rather wet and this didn't suit me (or him!) so this morning was devoted to some reclamation work on him. He tells me being a ghost and without clear memory is very difficult ... I can believe it *g*.
The male lead has evolved considerably during the writing. I thought he would but some of the ways have been surprising. He turns out to have a lot of nouse with regard to magical stuff even without having much experience. I need to explain and expand this some more ... bother! That means more words to write *g*.
The heroine is good, very bolshy at times and feisty but I like that. She has to learn some heavy stuff about control and she manages it too. Like all of us she forgets at times and goes back to ancient habits then has to turn about and do it properly. New habits are always hard to learn.
I'm very pleased with the story. It's far deeper than I expected when I began it, yet has a lightness to it that makes it easy to read - or so my test readers tell me *g*. I love that about writing, how it takes you on a journey, you don't know where you're going properly at the beginning although you start out with a general idea and a plot-line. But you can't stay rigid with that, you have to be flexible and take some apparent side-turnings - they usually lead you to incredibly interesting places. Not always, of course. I followed one for a while with this story and, although it is good, it's not for this book. I've cut it out and stored it away for somewhere else. There's a whole folder full of this stuff, clippings for the future. All witters have them.
So ... I'm hoping to have found the end by the end of the week - say Sunday. will keep you all posted.
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