Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Toad's Journey - alchemy workshop

I've been able to fix on dates for this w/end workshop - 11-13 June 2010. See the side panel for more details.

We're going to work at 2 nearby sacred sites that I love - Arthur's Stone and Dinedor. Arthur's Stone is a very magical place, about 4-5 thousand yrs old. the world will include going into the tumulus to journey and coming out new.

At Dinedor, when building a bypass around Hereford, they found a 4000 yr old serpent way similar to the one in Ohio. Unfortunately, the near-sighted council didn't press to open this up and make it possible for people - from all over the world - to visit it but buried it again! You can't see it but you can feel it. We will be asking the Serpent to help us in our alchemical journey.

This sill be an experiential and exciting workshop.

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