A friend in Scotland just commented on my FaceBook post about the robins beginning their courtship down here in Hereford ...
"Sounds delightful! We've had a few idiot pigeons billing and cooing and the seagulls are pairing up - they like to do a long courtship each spring and nest about April-May - but otherwise it's definitely not courting-time up here. Snow again today - 2 inches at Mum's - and RSPB are reporting starving barn owls dropping along the coast like flies - they're heading for the coast in desperation and running out of steam. We're also seeing a massive toll on deer on the hills - they've calved but there's nothing to eat, the calves and stags have no reserves and the sporting estates have actually cut the shooting season off a couple of months early because they think they may have lost an entire generation this year. They're out throwing hay around instead of bullets."
This is scary and makes me feel very bad. Shamans always care for their elder brothers - the animals, birds and plants as well as the Earth herself. The creatures have been a part of of the Earth for billennia longer than humans, it's not good to hear of them suffering so badly. A "whole generation" of the deer is a tragic loss, the poor barn owls dying of starvation tears my heart. And it's not just them, all of Life suffers from the hardship of this winter.
If you are able to feed wildlife, birds, animals, whatever, please do so. The RSPB and wildlife organisations will tell you what is needed. Please spare some of the food for them. There are lots of things that you won't eat - like apple cores, meat scraps, old bread steeped in the fat from your bacon and sausages - that wildlife will "recycle" for you and so be able to survive. It's not spring yet - despite the snowdrops - please carry on feeding our elder brothers.
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