Thursday, 21 January 2010

Me as a writer ...

The following is from my website; I thought it might be fun to put it here too ... tell you a bit more about me *g*.

I've written stories all my life, as well as read them. I learned to read very early as I couldn't bear it when dad stopped with a story and I had to wait until the next night for the next episode. I learned fast and read everything I could get my hands on. I always loved stories of Otherworld, especially those where the hero/heroine traveled between the worlds, between the everyday and the magical realms, and dad used to tell them to me, sometimes out of his own head.

I love relationships too, intricate, intimate, often intense and life-changing experiences between human beings, and between humans and other beings, seen and unseen. Mystery is another of my passions, to start on the trail of something, try to find out what is happening only to find out it's not at all what you thought. And magic, of course! Magic doesn't have to be whoosh-Harry-Potter-spells although I enjoy Harry Potter too. In fact there's loads of magic goes on all around us in the everyday world - a seed sprouting, how plants and sunlight make food, why electricity works at all, what gravity is, how cells choose to form and change inside the womb according to a pattern, and that's just a few of the more obvious ones. We know very little about how the world, the universe, works and practically nothing at all about "why" it does. Oh yes, we know how to make some things happen, most of the time, like turning on a light switch, or the kettle, or starting the car. But not a lot, and you try and tell me why any of those things happen ... bet you're stumped! I certainly am!

So I love writing about all of these things and they all come into my stories. And readers tell me they love reading about them too.

At the website, I've listed my published books and the ones on the stack either being written now or waiting (impatiently!) for their turn. I've been published by "proper" publishing companies but my story-matter rarely appeals to the accountants who hold the purse-strings of the big companies. Rather than spend all my time trying to shapeshift into something these folk like - and NOT writing the stories! - I took to self-publication through Lulu. You can check this out for yourself, it's not a "vanity" company but a good outlet for writers to DIY. Of course, you still need a good editor for all those mistakes, typos, inconsistencies, etc that the writer's nose is far too close to the page to be able to see. And you need layout and picture skills, or a friend with those. But the end result is just what the writer wants and it can happen as fast as you like and are able to make it.

Lulu do e-books too. Moon Song is already an e-book as well as a normal printed book and all the rest are going to be very soon. Lulu also enable you to give your book a proper ISBN and to get into Bowdler's catalogue, so being available worldwide in bookshops, as well as on Amazon, and not just from Lulu itself. So, you should be able to get my books in any format you like and from any source ... as you would from a major publishing house. Of course, I have to do my own publicity but social networking helps this enormously.

So I'm a writer, it's what I do, what I cannot live without doing. I try to update this page regularly so keep an eye on it for the next book release. I'll also talk about it on Facebook and on my blog so you can go there too. I hope you enjoy the books.

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