Monday 13 July 2009

Knees, hospitat, Spinning & stuff !!!

Hospital today at 15.30, always difficult and a strain although they are mostly very nice in there. It's a new hospital, opened only abut 5 yrs ago, but the design is abysmal! there are lots of clinics that have no windows and only air conditioning, very enclosed, dark-feeling, generally unpleasant. Humans are not supposed to be troglodytes !!! My blood pressure usually goes up slightly when I have to go in.

But it all went pretty well. I don't have MRSA so they can operate, got lots of advice about exercising befreo the op to build up my quads ... and this includes spinning !!! Wheeeeeeeee !!! I have a double tredle Ashford wheel (the Kiwi - see pic on left) so both legs get exercised equally and it works the quads. I've also just been given 4 Shetland fleeces. and last Samhain Fion gave em a present of 2 more, one of which is a Shetland/Merino cross, absolutely fabulous. and there's an enormous load of white Ryland that needs spinning up for dyeing. Plenty to do *g*. My knees will hurt but we'll live, it'll be fun, I need the wool and it's good for my legs. The pic on the right is one of the Shetlands whose fleece I'll be spinning.
I went on to the diabetes clinic to see if they needed to tell me anything and to tell them when the first knee op is to be. MInor shock here - the senior nurse say they won't operate if my blood/sugar is out of control. I'm going to have to work really hard at my diet! Not too difficult right now as the garden is full of lovely stuff. No sugar !!! And try to stay down on the steroids but that will really be difficult if I'm spinning as well as gardening. the knees, especially the right, are so painful I want to shoot myself! I go for an HBA1C blood test on Wed, then to see the senior nurse asap after that. She's promised to help me get the B/S sorted.
I've also changed my desk-chair to a real orthopaedic one - feels very odd still but that's just about getting used to it. It is making me sit up better.
Stuff ... I'm now nervous in case the won't operate if the B/S isn't well enough under control !!! You have to laugh ... a few months back I was terrified to let them operate. However, it relaly does make a difference having a surgeon I feel complete trust in. Whatever ... I shall hoik the wheel out later and get carding that Ryland wool, then to get my spinning fingers back again :-) ... it's all go LOL

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you are a type II suffering from "Metabolic Syndrome", you can significant manage your HBA1C with a high protein and very low carbohydrate diet. Don't do it if you have proteinurea (high levels of protein in the urine) as this will aggravate the problem, but if you are "normal" I have found this can reduce my AM sugar levels signigicantly and reduce my weight a well at the same time.